Unity Cup- Saturday -"who are we ?"
Although the Believers only won one game and lost two, they still have made the semi-finals on Sunday.
Due to goals against, thanks to Paul Brown and a very hard working defense, we passed two teams.
The Believers are a very hard working skilled team. Although the team name may be trivial to some, as you come on Sunday and play, please remember that the jersey symbolizes a life choice, the fact that we 'believe' in Jesus Christ, and that it's not just another hockey team name. Whatever we've done can be wiped fresh daily and we can begin each day with a clean slate. We are going to fail many times while on this earth, but knowing that we have someone with us to help and guide us sure is reassuring. Who knows where Captain Mart would be right now if Christ had not dragged him out of the muck and given His new life.
Although the captain got very angry with the conduct of two or three players at the end of Saturday's final game, he has a very short memory, but would expect those players to show the class and integrity that we want the fans and other teams to remember us by.
See ya all at 2:00 pm.
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